Hold On a Minute Podcast Series with UNFPA Asia-Pacific
April 25, 2024Stoked to get soaked! Experiencing Songkran in Chiang Mai through the lens of GoPro
May 13, 2024Hold On a Minute Podcast Series with UNFPA Asia-Pacific
April 25, 2024Stoked to get soaked! Experiencing Songkran in Chiang Mai through the lens of GoPro
May 13, 2024Insights
PR does not stand for “Press Release”: missed opportunities for communications practitioners in Indochina
Have you ever heard someone say, "We just need 3 PRs a month" or "We need an agency for PR for our new product launch"? And by PR of course they mean “press release.”
There's a common misconception that media relations is synonymous with the practice of public relations. And while media relations can be a valuable tool, our work is not limited to the distribution of news – it is one supporting tactical set meant to achieve a wider PR strategy.
ERA’s work can be simply stated, creating and maintaining a positive relationship between an organization and the many people it touches. We build relationships with the media like any other group, and bring them into our work by creating and executing communication strategies that contribute to a good relationship with them. Normally that is giving them news, interesting opportunities and professional respect.
PR is about fostering two-way communication, proactive and reactive. It's not just about broadcasting messages but also about listening to stakeholders’ voices, understanding public perceptions, and adapting accordingly. A strategic communications process involves active listening, stakeholder audits, and constructing and adapting the key messages based on the insights reflected in today’s ever-changing world – and acting accordingly. Not just saying (i.e. news releases).
ERA calls this stakeholder world our client’s “Stakeholder Economy”, considering all communities and touchpoints that exist in an industry or for an organization - the media, customers, employees, investors, government actors and many, many more.
At the end of the day, it is about engagement. To start a conversation that leads to changes in behaviors or perceptions. It’s building a reputation, protecting it, and communicating it to those who need to hear it. And consistency is key in PR. When your entire team—from the CEO to the customer service, repeat that message over a long time and in many different ways, it becomes a powerful force for creating understanding and strong long term relationships.
PR is for the long term; it isn't a quick fix. It's a marathon, building momentum and positive relationships over time. Like any relationship, it takes patience and consistent effort and actions to build trust, but the rewards are lasting. By doing this right, you can have your consumers or stakeholders as your lifelong advocates. It is THAT powerful.
In conclusion, media relations are still an integral part of PR, but it is just one piece of the puzzle. While press releases have their place, they are not the be-all and end-all of PR. By embracing PR as a strategic process, and seeing it beyond just the simple or easy action of sending a press release, you can take advantage of a huge missed opportunity to add competitive advantage to your organization.